One of the topics that was discussed during the meeting was virtual workshops and sessions.
We discussed how we could continue to engage with members through running virtual sessions. We decided that some sessions would be harder to run than others, due to the fact that we are not all physically together.
Next Wednesday (22nd April 2020) we will be trial our first virtual workshop with our Eagles (13+). We hope that this session will run smoothly, and we can then roll out sessions to all age groups.
The first virtual workshop will be a dance workshop, ran by Nia. The routines learnt in these workshops will then be featured on our socials and used in future fundraising displays.
The session will start at 8pm and run until 9pm. The session will be hosted over ZOOM. Below you’ll find the link to join this meeting and the meeting ID. The meeting is password protected, so only members can join and will be moderated by the leaders. The password for the meeting will be shared within the Falcons and Eagles Facebook group. If you are not in these groups, please join them. If you are not on Facebook please email contactus@phoenixperformers.com
If during this unprecedented you need any support from Phoenix please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can email us at contactus@phoenixperformers.com.
Phoenix Performers